Embedding JavaScript in XSL documents

Summary: Do not use complex inline JavaScript in XSLT-generated web pages
If you're using XSLT to produce full-blown (X)HTML pages from XML documents (more about that in one of my upcoming articles for www.InformIT.com), you'll sooner or later need a bit of inline JavaScript code in the final web page. As you know, you cannot use bare less-than-sign (<) in an XML document and you cannot use &lt; quoting in JavaScript embedded in <script> tags in traditional HTML page.

Apart from migrating all JavaScript code in a separate .js file (which is the best solution anyway) or using tricks to avoid < and & in the JavaScript code, the only way to make things work (at least in some modern XHTML-aware browsers) is to structure the web page to be XHTML-compliant with proper <!DOCTYPE> declaration and <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> root element.  When the browsers recognize a page as XHTML-compliant page, they might be willing to transform &lt; escape within the <script> tag into less-than sign (works for Opera, but not for Firefox).

Reading the XSLT-related standards, one would get an impression that using the <xsl:output method="html" /> command should force the transformation engine to write pure text instead of XML escapes within the <script> tag. However, it's almost impossible to force all the XSLT transformation engines being used today to do it properly (for example, it looks like MSXML engine on the IIS server simply ignores it).

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